Natalie Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative campaigner, Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC)
with Dianne Stokes, Muckaty Traditional Owner. Photo: Tim Bonham

Tim Bonham put together this slide show after a couple of trips
up to visit Muckaty mob over the last month.


MUCKATY Station near Tennant Creek has been nominated by the Northern
Land Council (NLC) as the site for the national nuclear waste facility.

"Despite some media and Northern Land Council rhetoric, there is strong
opposition to the dump proposal, from Ngapa Traditional Owmer's whose land
has been nominated and from other Muckaty mob, whose dreaming passes
through that area and who look after country
along the haulage access road."

Says Beyond Nuclear Initiative campaigner, Natalie Wasley from the
Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC)

The Blue Mountains Nuclear Free Group (BMNFG) will continue to support
Traditional Owners who oppose the proposed nuclear waster dump on their
lands. BMNFG calls on
Federal Science and Education Minister Julie
Bishop to not accept the nomination.

There is still no safe way to store nuclear waste. The proposed nuclear
waster dump is unwanted and unneccesary.
If the nomination of Muckaty
Station in the Northern Territory to host the dump goes ahead we will see
radioactive waste transported all the way from Lucas Heights exposing
communities along the transport route to risk of spill and contamination.
The possible transport route includes the World Heritage Listed
Blue Mountains.

For more info on the nuclear waste dump please go to: