Nuclear waste headed your way? Keep your community nuclear free.

Nuclear waste headed your way?
Keep your community nuclear free.
Public Meeting & 'Inhabited' Exhibition
Wednesday 11th April 2007 @ 6pm
Katoomba Masonic Hall,
opposite the council buildings

Join Friends of the Earth, the Blue Mountains Nuclear Free Group and special guests for presentations and discussion.

Nuclear Free Ways Public Meeting & viewing of ‘Inhabited’ Exhibition

Dr. Jim Green

Dr. Jim Green is the national nuclear campaigner with Friends of the Earth, Australia, national coordinator of the Beyond Nuclear Initiative, and a member of the Energy Science Coalition. His PhD thesis was on the debates over the replacement of the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor.

Dr. Kathleen Sullivan

Enthusiastic disarmament educator, film producer and social scientist with a special interest in (pop) nuclear culture and the perspective of young people.
Kathleen will talk about the international experience with nuclear waste and her experiences with the Yucca Mountain campaign in US.

Michaela Stubbs
Michaela Stubbs is the nuclear campaigner for Friends of the Earth Melbourne and the Nuclear Free Ways Campaigner, Friends of the Earth.

Exhibition: ‘Inhabited’ An exhibition of photographs and stories from remote communities that are affected by uranium mining and the nuclear industry in Australia. Photographer Jessie Boylan, audio Bilbo Taylor.

The Federal Government switching on the new nuclear reactor in Sydney and proposing to dump radioactive waste in outback Northern Territory would mean that dangerous radioactive waste would be transported through communities across Australia. Friends of the Earth believe that this poses an unacceptable and unnecessary public health and environmental risk to these communities.

The current plans could see over 130 truck loads of nuclear waste transported through the Blue Mountains in the first year with ongoing transports of nuclear waste for the next forty years. Some of the waste will be of a much higher level of radioactivity than was proposed for SA.

Communities standing up for their right to be nuclear free have stopped the imposition of a radioactive dump that was planned for SA. It’s time for NSW to come together and help do it again.

The Federal Governments’ current plans are a crude attempt to solve a complex problem. They have introduced undemocratic legislation in their attempts to impose a nuclear waste dump on unwilling communities in the NT. Radioactive wastes need isolation from people and the environment for hundreds of thousands of years. It’s important that we take the time to get it right.

Supported by:
Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre
Blue Mountains Nuclear Free Group
Friends of the Earth

For more info contact:
Phone: 02 4782 1181
Mobile: 0421 356 067